Below are the writers who contributed to these special features.

Quinton Amundson
The Catholic Register
Quinton Amundson is a reporter for The Catholic Register.

Anna Farrow
Montreal Correspondent
The Catholic Register
Anna Farrow is a writer and columnist for The Catholic Register.

Mary French
The Catholic Register
Mary French is a correspondent for The Catholic Register.

Robert Kinghorn
Deacon Robert Kinghorn is the author of an award-winning column "The Church on the Street" published in The Catholic Register.

Peter Stockland
Publisher and Editor
The Catholic Register
Peter Stockland is the Publisher and Edtior of The Catholic Register.

Michael Swan
The Catholic Register
Michael Swan has worked as a reporter for The Catholic Register for 25 years.

Angelica Vecchiato
The Catholic Register
Angelica Vecchiato is a correspondent for The Catholic Register.