There is hope for those who feel helpless and are trapped in their addiction.
September 10, 2023
Steps from the brink
Faith in addiction recovery

Publisher’s Notebook - Fr. Ed Dowling saw in Alcoholics’ Anonymous much more than men struggling with drink.
- Spirituality is not a style, manner, set of conventions and practices.
- Substance-use disorders are first and foremost the result of trauma, mental illness.
The Church on the Street Addiction is always a cry to be loved.- After finding his way “into the rooms,” Fr. Michael Bechard is now comfortable in his own skin.
- Whether it’s first or 12th time, The Good Shepherd is there
- Since 2013 a project called "Notre-Dame de al rue" has been bringing the Church to the homeless on the streets of Montreal.
- The 12-step process has been central to Archbishop Syvain Lavoie’s life for more than 40 years.
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